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Him Solar & Gases Pvt. Ltd.

Think Green, Live Green and Go Solar


Joining Fees Rs. 3500/- 

Beneficiary's Bank: HDFC

Bank Account No. : 20792000000475

IFS Code : 0002079

Additional Charges:

 1. Bank Charges    2. TDS @10% deduction    3. TDS @30% deduction (On absence of PAN Card)


1) Pan Card is mandatory within the period of maturity of membership, without Pan Card, deduction of 30% is applicable, whereas, only 10% deduction is applicable only if you have Pan Card.

2) Payouts for incentives shall be distributed 2 times in a month.


The applicant is required to read thoroughly and understand the terms and condition, policies, procedures, code of ethics and business opportunities of the company as given below and from the website named This application/agreement from is considered as an authentic and legally binding document. This contract is between the applicant (herein after referred to as distributor) and Him Enterprises (hereinafter to as Company). 

If the applicant agrees to adhere to and abide by the conditions mentioned hereunder and in the website named , he/she shall become member by way of a crossed demand draft or online transfer favoring Him Enterprises’ payable at Sunder Nagar, Mandi (H.P).

1)  The applicant should have completed minimum 18 years of age and shall be competent to enter into contract as provided in the ‘Indian Contract Act’.

2)  For joining as an independent distributor of the company, the applicant will have to make the prescribed payment towards distributorship fee by way of a crossed demand draft favoring HIM ENTERPRISES payable at Sunder Nagar, Mandi(H.P).

3)  While placing orders for any of the products available with the company, he/she will have to pay the cost of the product by  way of crossed demand drafts favoring Him Enterprises’ payable at Sunder Nagar, Mandi (H.P).  

4)  The distributor will be eligible for incentives or income only as per the volume of business done by him that is also subject to the eligibility norms formulated by the company. The company does not assure any incentive or income to the distributor on merely account of his / her joining the company.

5)   The company will not entertain any request for any product/package made after six month of the date of acknowledgement of payment.

6)  All individual should adhere to Rules & Regulations formed by the organization & if any of the distributors is found guilty of not observing the same, then he/she will be terminated from the company.

7)  The company reserves all right to terminate a distributor.

8)  The distributor shall bear true faith and allegiance to the company and shall uphold the integrity and decorum of the company and shall maintain good relations with other distributors and other clients.

9)  The distributor shall not compel or induce or mislead any person with any false statement/promise to join the company or to purchase any product. 

10)  The applicant/distributor shall ensure that all the information/furnished to the company is correct and properly entered. Any request for correction furnished by the distributor as to his/her sponsor or placement details will not be entertained, once payment statements are processed.

11)  The company reserves the right to reject any distributorship/application at its own discretion.

12)  The company reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions, products, schemes, business and policies, giving prior notice through its website and it will be binding on all distributors of the company.

13)  The terms and conditions within above mentioned shall be governed in accordance with the law in force in the territories of India. Disputes, if any arise, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Sunder Nagar, Mandi (H.P).

14)  If any dispute or difference arises between the parties hereto touching the business or interpretation of any terms and conditions or as to incentives, income etc., relating to the business of the company, the same shall be referred to arbitration and the arbitration shall be governed by the ‘Arbitration And Conciliation Act, 1996’. Read over by me/ to me and agreed by me.